Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton's race for the Presidential Election has gone to the next level from past few days when both of them gave Sexual remarks against each other. On Wednesday said that the race for White House is at "War" and cited two of enemies "Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush". At a rally in South Carolina supporters of Trump yelled that "You Are Special" and Trump said that he felt blessed with such kind of support and then took his opponents by saying that Bush as having "Low Energy".
Trump then attacked Clinton by saying: "By the way, low energy can be applied to Hillary . I just don't like to use same thing twice on one of my enemies, because I consider them enemies. We view this as war. Don't we view this as war? It's war', It's war."
Trump blamed Clinton , saying that she forced his hand when she said he had "a penchant for sexism."
"You can't let people push around you," he said Wednesday. "You can't let people tell lies."
He also added that Bill Clinton is "one of the great abusers of the world. "
Trump, thrice married and with partially retracted accusations
of marital abuse in his history, conceded that the opening of this new front
made it entirely fair for the media or rivals to investigate his background.
“Frankly, Hillary brought up the whole thing with ‘sexist’,
and all I did was reverse it on her because she’s got a major problem, happens
to be right in her house.”
Bill Clinton has declined to respond to Trump while the
Clinton campaign put out a statement saying: “Hillary Clinton won’t be bullied
or distracted by attacks he throws at her and former President Clinton.”
Trump’s strategy is to make Bill Clinton’s campaigning
less valuable, to put himself on the same standing as Hillary, and then to
begin to try to knock her off her pedestal.”
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